& Leadership Coaching
for Creative Entrepreneurs

Find dynamic balance in work and life with Nancy Cogswell

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You’re over-stretched

Your confidence does not quite match your success

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Your success makes you ever more in demand yet saying ‘No’ feels unwise

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There’s a growing gap between how your life looks on the outside and how it feels inside

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It's time...

To find clarity, confidence, and reserves of strength you don't even know you have

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To define your leadership style and unearth your brand of confidence

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Come away with a better understanding of who you are, where you want to go and how to get there

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Boundaries, What boundaries?

Why you need them & How to get started

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Having someone invest in you, believing in you, be in your corner and hold a space for you, is an incredibly powerful tool for personal change and growth. If that’s what you are seeking then absolutely, my vote is with Nancy Cogswell

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I draw on an exceptionally broad professional background of 25+ years

executive & board level experience as an architect, management consultant,

business mentor, artist and coach.


I’m curious about what makes people tick.

I love talking to business owners and people in leadership roles to explore

what works, what doesn’t, why not, and what else is possible.


I use my powerful intuition to ask questions that unlock. Unlocking leads

straight to opening up. And then, in a coaching relationship,

the adventure begins!


There’s a sense of gathering momentum as you discover your capability,

uniqueness, purpose and voice. And with all that, the confidence to

have the impact you want and the life you desire.


I am driven by the idea that we should all have full AGENCY,

so that you can say: ‘In life, I’m in the driving seat!’


Of course, one might invite a co-pilot, have a map reader on board, even pull     a trailer full of commitments - but always

YOU are at the wheel of your life.

You have creative talent & leadership ambitions, but your lack of confidence, or clarity about purpose, or looming overwhelm are holding you back.

Let’s have a Strategy Call to review current issues, emerging opportunities, & potential courses of action, to help you embody more of what you want & need, to fulfil your vision.

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